¿When does the Lord come? Some, in view of the latest events, are waiting for Him today (when I say today, I say that His Return is imminent, and could happen at any time). But this is not so. Some things are missing.
No one can know the day, nor the hour of His Second Coming. But we can know some events that mark His Return.
Signs that indicate His return:
1. The Sound of the Trumpet: The Lord Himself said: And He will send His angels with a loud trumpet and gather His elect ... "(Mt 24: 31). That is to say, the instant before He appears in the clouds, the SOUND OF THE TRUMPET will be heard. Now, which trumpet? Paul tells us it's the last. "And in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be resurrected incorruptible, and we shall be changed. "That is to say, brother, that it is necessary to hear the sound of the last trumpet, to be rescued, raptured.
2. The Last Trumpets: The last trumpet sounds from the Scriptures are in Revelation 8,9,10 and 11 and correspond to the seventh seal. (To know the events of the seven trumpets, refer to these cited chapters of Revelation).
3. The Seven Seals: As we have said: "the final trumpet" is the last of seven seals. Consequently, before the Lord returns, all these events must happen. The first five seals have to do with the activity of the beast and antichrist on earth. Consequently you beloved brother, you will be here on this planet while these things happen.
a. First Seal: Arrival of the Antichrist.
b. Second Seal: Wars
c. Third seal: The famine
d. Fourth seal: The enormous slaughter that would reach about 1750 million people.
e. Fifth seal: The children of God who were killed during this time.
f. Sixth seal: The great cosmic chaos.
g. Seventh Seal: The seven trumpets.
4. The seven trumpets: For the reader to have an idea of what this means, refer to chapter 8, 9, 10 and 11 of the Apocalypse. However, I want to emphasize that during this time the sun and the moon will be darkened. This happens with the sound of the fourth trumpet. This will be so shocking that the Lord Himself announced it as a sign prior to His Coming. He said: "And immediately after the tribulation of those days, the sun will be darkened and the moon will not give its brightness ...". Some prophets also spoke about this event. (Isaiah 13:10, Joel 2:10, 2.31, 3:15). Likewise, the fall of the heavenly bodies that are part of Revelation 8: 8, 10, was announced by the Lord when he said: "... and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken." (Mt 24:29). This was also announced by Isaiah (chapter 13) and Joel (chapter 1).
5. Apostasy: This is defined as THE WAIVER that a person makes of their beliefs. Paul said that the Lord would not return without apostasy before and the man of lawlessness (anomia, lawless) manifested (2 Thes 2: 3). In the times of the government of the beast and antichrist, the apostasy will be extreme, even within of the "born again", to the point of cursing the Lord who saved them and the Father Creator.
Why will all these things happen that the church will witness? For the beast and the antichrist have wrought great wickedness on the earth, and God will reward them. As Luke said, "These are days of retribution ..." (Luke 21:22). Or as Paul wrote: "... to give retribution to those who did not know God, nor obey the gospel of our Lord Yahshua Ha Mashiach ..." (2 Thessalonians 1: 8).
So it is necessary that some things happen before the Lord returns to seek His saints for the wedding, and it is required that each one be diligent in acquiring patience to face the government of evil. The Lord said it in Revelation 14:12, "Here is the patience of the saints, who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus."
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